Tale of Two Zebras

Believe Us

Ann Anderson

Losing people in the chronic illness community isn't a rare thing, sadly. The story of Stephanie Aston found here in the New Zealand Heard, is especially hard because doctors refused to treat her illness choosing to believe she was making it all up and making herself sick.
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is so very tricky as it can, and often does, affect the entire body. It likes to jump around and keep everyone on their toes and guessing what body part will hurt most on any given day. It is a difficult beast to treat and there is no cure.
I did promise a playlist and here's the link to various music that gets me going, keeps me going, and is not all inclusive. 

We're on YouTube too: https://www.youtube.com/@taleoftwozebras

Amberlyn aka Mrs. Labeezy's Amazon Must Haves includes some of Ann's loved items too:

Zebras are the rare type of spoonies often affiliated with the Ehlers-Danlos patients. Please check out the website: https://www.ehlers-danlos.com

Here is another checklist of common issues with EDS: https://www.orthopt.org/uploads/Management_of_Hypermobility.pdf

If you'd like to be a guest, please reach out to Ann and Mrs. Labeezy at TaleofTwoZebras@gmail.com

Giving credit where credit is due: Christine Miserandino revolutionized the chronic illness community by sharing her Spoon Theory with the world on her blog: https://butyoudontlooksick.com Because of her contribution, those suffering with chronic illness are often referred to as "Spoonies" and we often refer to energy stored and expended in units of spoons.