Tale of Two Zebras

Gift Giving Season

Ann Anderson

This time of year can be challenging for the healthiest of people. I offer some tips, tricks, life hacks, and paradigm shifts that I hope are helpful to my fellow spoonies. Also, so food for thought if you are trying to accommodate a special Spoonie in your life.
Here are a couple of experience based gift lists:

We're on YouTube too: https://www.youtube.com/@taleoftwozebras

Amberlyn aka Mrs. Labeezy's Amazon Must Haves includes some of Ann's loved items too:

Zebras are the rare type of spoonies often affiliated with the Ehlers-Danlos patients. Please check out the website: https://www.ehlers-danlos.com

Here is another checklist of common issues with EDS: https://www.orthopt.org/uploads/Management_of_Hypermobility.pdf

If you'd like to be a guest, please reach out to Ann and Mrs. Labeezy at TaleofTwoZebras@gmail.com

Giving credit where credit is due: Christine Miserandino revolutionized the chronic illness community by sharing her Spoon Theory with the world on her blog: https://butyoudontlooksick.com Because of her contribution, those suffering with chronic illness are often referred to as "Spoonies" and we often refer to energy stored and expended in units of spoons.